Dredging sludge

Dredging is essential for the navigability of ports and waterways for water and flood management. In line with the Circular Economy concept, dredged material can often be reused in several ways. Contaminated sediments, even if they occur in small volumes, can only be reused after special treatment. Contaminated sediments and their end use are subject to strict environmental limits. Carmeuse has developed the StabiCalco® product range to meet the requirements for the dredging sludge treatment.


Features in more detail:

Pozzolanic reactions:

  • Lime and lime-based binders are advantageously used to solidify and stabilize dredged sediments for reuse.

Improved handling:

  • StabiCalco® range products promote coagulation/flocculation in improving drainage, handling, solidification.

Immobilization and stabilization:

  • For most of sediments, customized binders combine the effects above with increased cementitious reaction of hydraulic admixtures. This synergetic effect results in stable and durable final products wherever required.


Benefits in more detail:

Improved dewatering:

  • Drying and solidification thanks to exothermic reactions.
  • Further dewatering by reaction with clay minerals in the sediments, releasing physically bound water; this changes their character to sandy or granular.

Contaminant immobilization and leaching blockage:

  • Reduction in the solubility of most contaminants in dredging sludge (mainly heavy metals) due to the alkaline pH of the lime and prevention of their leaching into the environment.
  • Sediment stabilization thanks to pozzolanic reaction between lime and clay minerals into a solid and low-permeability matrix, which contributes to blocking the leaching of contaminants.

TCO reduction:

  • As a result of the different functionalities of the StabiCalco® product range, a reduction in the number of treatment steps and/or in-situ treatment can be achieved, leading to a reduction in overall treatment costs.


  • No availability limits and locally produced.