Flue Gas Cleaning​

With over 30 years of experience in the pollution control industry, Carmeuse is at the forefront of providing comprehensive solutions for capturing pollutants coming out of our customers' chimneys. The selection of an optimal flue gas cleaning process depends on many factors, with far-reaching implications for future plant operations. One pivotal determinant lies in the specification of the reagent, taking into account considerations of its availability and cost-effectiveness. This critical decision-making process ensures that our solutions not only meet regulatory requirements but also uphold the economic sustainability of our clients' operations. Together, we are creating a cleaner and greener future for industries and communities.

Flue Gas Cleaning


Energy is an essential need for many industrial applications. Energy is used in various forms such as steam, electricity, or thermal energy. Energy production requires the transformation of fossil fuels or renewable energy sources. In order to meet the sector's emission limits, which are related to emissions from energy or processes, fume purification is often required. The CleanCalco® product range and technical support team enable the required legal requirements to be achieved with the lowest possible economic impact.

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Waste management is now a priority for all of us. Reducing, reusing, and recycling our waste must be everyone’s focus. Nevertheless, energy recovery from the waste’s remaining fraction is the best solution. This fraction is a sustainable part of the waste management chain and generates valuable and renewable energy. The sector is one of the cleanest in Europe, thanks to the reduction of pollutant emissions from waste-to-energy plants in line with some of the world's most stringent regulations.

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Concerns about CO2 emissions create a greater demand for biomass-to-energy (BtE) installations. Unfortunately, not every biomass source is pollutant-free and sometimes significant variability is observed. Consequently, flexible, and reliable emission control systems should be implemented. As with all industrial applications, BtE facilities must follow standards such as those set by the Industrial Emissions Directive in Europe (2010/75/EU) and must respect the associated emission limit values.

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Power is and is becoming even more essential to our civilization as electrification is the current trend. Recent technical developments have made it possible to increase the share of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, limiting their major drawback to their intermittency. The lack of sufficient storage capacity means that fossil fuels and nuclear sources are still a mandatory part of the energy picture in order to maintain grid stability and electricity affordability in some regions.

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