Carmeuse Beachville Operation launches “Limestone Valley Trail”
Carmeuse, in conjunction with the Beachville Museum and Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, is proud to showcase the new “Limestone Valley Trail”. Built on old reclaimed mine property, located on Domtar Line (41 Line) just north of the Thames River, this trail provides the public access to nature.
Installation of bird and bat boxes along the trail provides an inviting habitat for species in decline, and within the heart of the trail, hikers can enjoy a garden sanctuary filled with pollinator-friendly plant species to support honey bee and Monarch Butterfly populations.
Kiln artifacts are showcased and incorporated within the nature trail as well. Informative museum didactics placed along the trail provide an opportunity for the public to better understand the local history of lime production in the area dating back to the 1800s.
Jon LeRoy of Carmeuse expressed the overall feeling of his team’s contribution, “Carmeuse encourages the community to come out and explore the Limestone Valley Trail and become better acquainted with nature!”
Pictured in the photo, is the entranceway to the Limestone Valley Trial featuring an old kiln artifact donated by Carmeuse.