June 10, 2020

Grand River Contributes to Outdoor Classroom Project

Grand River Contributes to Outdoor Classroom Project

Carmeuse’s Grand River operation donated materials to the Madison High School Ecology Honors class to help build an outdoor classroom. The Carmeuse team provided stone fines which are byproducts of the site’s operation. These stones were used by the class as a base for the outdoor learning space. 

Tim Pira, teacher of the Ecology Honors class, reached out to the Grand River operation asking for assistance in constructing an outdoor space as part of a class project. According to the project report, some of the benefits of outdoor classrooms include, “shifting educational focus from secondary to primary sources, using experiential teaching methods to engage students, making learning a multi-sensory experience, fostering the use of systems thinking, recognizing and celebrating different learning styles and connecting the school to the extended community.”

The Ecology Honors class gifted the Carmeuse team with maple syrup harvested from the class’ maple trees, oregano and hot sauce made from herbs and vegetables grown in the class garden.

“We were excited to contribute to the building of Madison High School’s outdoor classroom,” said Carmeuse Operations Manager Brain Horvath. He added, “Thank you to the Ecology Honors class for the delicious maple syrup and other gifts grown in your classroom. We hope this space will provide new opportunities for learning.” 

Pictured to the right are Tim Pira and Brian Horvath.

Tim Pira and Brian Horvath