Ecovadis: Carmeuse is Platinum!
In today’s world, companies are expected to be sustainably engaged. At Carmeuse, we thrive to reduce our environmental impact and have a positive social responsibility everywhere we are present.
EcoVadis - Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices
EcoVadis describes themselves as the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Their purpose is to guide companies toward a sustainable world.
Each year, they give the companies a score, from bronze to platinum. The Platinum level is for the top 1% of performers, across all companies in all industries. They also issue a scorecard with scoring results, benchmarks, strengths, and improvement opportunities. These scorecards are shared with our customers as, more and more, they are requesting international certifications and ratings in order to assess suppliers. 91% of companies take sustainability criteria into account in their purchasing decision, and they are progressively raising the bar.
Also, sustainability performance is also becoming a criteria to qualify for green bonds or loans from banks.
Carmeuse has the best rating of its industry
Since 2017, Carmeuse entities have been assessed and improved their score.
Compared to similar companies in its industry (cement, lime and plasters), Carmeuse has the best ratings. Early 2022, the latest Ecovadis rating came out: seven Carmeuse entities are at the platinum level (top 1% of performers) and 3 others are at gold or silver.

What is next?
The continuous improvement of Carmeuse EcoVadis scores underlines the Carmeuse commitment to sustainability.
There is no doubt that a radical shift is underway in terms of how the business is taking part in the world’s growing sustainability efforts. Sustainable companies are more transparent companies and EcoVadis is a suitable partner to assess Carmeuse CSR performance.